I recently met Fannie, whose son takes a Tae Kwon Do class with mine. She is from Venezuela and shared with me the recipe for Arepas, a staple in her country. They are corn cakes that vary in size and thickness from region to region and country to country. They are easy to make and you can eat them plain or stuff them with anything! I tried a breakfast version with scrambled eggs, cheese and salsa. I also made one with refried beans, shredded chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion, and guacamole. Next time I make hamburgers I am going to try one on an arepas!
2 c. arepa flour * see note
1 tsp. salt
2 1/2 c. luke warm water
olive oil for cooking
Combine water, salt, and flour and stir into a soft dough. Knead with wet hands for 3-5 minutes or until dough is smooth and uniform. It should be moist but not sticky. Pull off a piece of dough about the size of an egg and shape into a disc about the size of your palm and 1/2 inch thick.
Grease a heated skillet (cast iron or very heavy pan) with a generous amount of olive oil and place arepas on a few at a time. Cook over medium low heat turning until outsides are barely browned and a crust forms. Place on a cookie sheet and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, turning once. Arepas are done when you tap them and hear a hollow sound. Slit open one side or cut completely in half and stuff with your choice of filling.
Arepa flour is a precooked corn flour and should not be confused with masa harina. Arepa flour is sold as masarepa, harina precocida, or masa al intante. It can be found in Latin American groceries or online at http://www.latinmerchant.com/productdetail.asp?ProductID=F0012

Arepas just after coming out of the oven.
Lovely post. I'm making these for dinner TONIGHT! I went to the market for PAN & everything. :)
These arepas looks so delicious! I'm so happy you posted this recipe - it has been ages since I've made these.
And that second one (with guacamole) made me want to take a bite out of the screen!
Thanks for the positive comments. Taking good looking pictures of food is hard work! I appreciate your comments!
Yes Arepas are so delicious and we the Venezuelans are so proud of them, we eat arepas everyday (sweet or salty ones), but read the labels of the packages to see that nowadays the arepa flour is made with same equipement that processes oats and wheat flour,(check the web site to see all the new mixes), so please be careful
I just made my arepas according to a recipe I found on Blogger with history of harina pan and some alternatives for cooking and different fillings... It was very informative. The same blog has info on where to buy harina pan in the UK. Thanks for your blog too. Geraldo
Recipe: How to Bake Arepas
I was standing in a grocery store befuddled that I couldn't find arepa flour. Not knowing what I was looking for, I pulled out my phone and Goggled it. Thanks to your post showing a picture of the package, I realized I was standing right in front of it! Yay! You saved me from tromping all over town looking for this.
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